
Best laptops for remote working

If you have been working from home for quite some time now, you must have realized that it isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. From setting up your home office to managing your time efficiently, there are a lot of challenges that come with working remotely. And if you have a slow […]

The newest updates in the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center

For most businesses, surviving the pandemic depended largely on being able to deploy cloud-based solutions that can support remote work setups and connect multilocational workers. This put the burden of operations on IT administrators, whose roles became more crucial and demanding. Microsoft hopes to ease that burden with these new Microsoft 365 Apps admin center […]

Maintain your WordPress website with these 6 easy steps

Maintaining your WordPress website is essential to ensuring that it runs smoothly and stays secure. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t know how to do this themselves. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the six most essential tasks that you should be performing on a regular basis. By following this checklist, you’ll help keep […]

How dashboards can help your business grow

A dashboard is a business intelligence tool that allows businesses to track key performance indicators (KPIs). This can be particularly useful for making informed decisions and strategies. Here are some uses of dashboards in real-life business situations. Marketing insights Your organization’s marketing department analyzes a significant amount of data from various channels. Whether their purpose […]

Turn off these Windows 11 settings to protect your privacy

Windows 11 helps users by giving useful suggestions as they type and by displaying ads based on their online searches. But these can feel invasive, especially if you don’t want anyone prying into your online activity. To ensure your privacy and keep Microsoft’s watchful eye off your computer activity, follow these tips. Turn off personalized […]

A closer look at fileless malware

To avoid detection by anti-malware programs, cybercriminals are using fileless malware to initiate attacks. Fileless malware is used to infiltrate trusted applications and issue executables that blend in with normal network traffic, IT processes, and system administration tasks while leaving fewer footprints. Learn more about fileless malware and how they threaten your business. What is […]

How to choose the right health app or wearable tech

The healthcare industry has been leveraging technology to improve patient outcomes. Innovations such as health apps and wearable tech even empower patients to exercise greater control over improving the quality of their lives. Still, many of your patients will continue to rely on your medical opinion regarding which apps or devices to use, so make […]

Should your small business use laptops or desktops?

If you’re buying computers for your startup or upgrading your small business’s existing machines, you need to decide whether laptops or desktops are right for your needs. To help you choose, consider these five factors. Portability The COVID-19 pandemic has driven most businesses to adopt remote work and hybrid work setups. If you’re thinking of […]

How does the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center empower IT admins?

As companies gradually adjust to and recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, IT teams must ensure sufficient support for flexible working arrangements through cloud-based solutions. Microsoft stepped up to the challenge by equipping the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center with powerful features that enable IT administrators to handle these tasks more efficiently. Office […]

Your SMB will enjoy the flexibility provided by hybrid cloud platforms

Hybrid cloud platforms are a great way to improve a business’s agility and flexibility, as they can be used to host business components in an affordable and low-impact manner. But what exactly is the hybrid cloud, and what are its specific advantages for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs)? Read on to learn more. Hybrid clouds […]